Friday, April 19, 2013

Dear Whoever Cares

"Didn't they realize that the only way to change things was to act?" -Tamora Pierce

I invest myself emotionally into too many things.  If there's such thing as "caring too much," I do it.  While I maintain a snarky, collected, sarcastic attitude...on the inside, I am nothing more than a giant sappy heart.  I'm not sure if it's to my benefit or not.  Sometimes, it's helpful because it makes me more understanding and more forgiving.  Sometimes, it hurts me.  Because sometimes I obsess over how to change things that are out of my control.  But sometimes, that obsession makes a difference in the lives of those around me.

This week, I had the unique opportunity to interact with three high school girls who were incredibly unfortunate.  These girls had less than any of us will ever know.  They were in situations that we could never imagine.  Yet, all three of them managed to maintain a good academic and attendance record and were being rewarded by a very special teacher because of it.  The three girls are seniors in high school and their teacher brought them in to purchase graduation appropriate attire (on a small budget that she had raised herself) because they would not be able to walk across the stage if not dressed properly.  These girls had earned it!  They've been through hell and back and still managed to do better in school than many of their peers that had  endless resources.  I heard each of their stories as myself and two other employees left our own departments to help make this experience wonderful for them.  I was softened...then broken...then angered.  As the girls tried on dresses and shoes and looked as if they were having the times of their life, we talked about three young gentlemen that were in the same situation that had been in the store earlier that week.  Please tell me, society, regardless of their home lives, how in the hell do we allow teenage boys to go DAYS without eating??  And girls to duck tape their shoes and bras together because they don't fit any more??  How does the system function SO POORLY that these children have to live in homeless shelters and sell things they find in dumpsters just to have money to eat?  My heart yearns to know how many more live like this?  I'm also pissed to hear that no one is doing anything about it!

We took care of those three girls yesterday.  It was a good experience for them.  We told them to forget their small budget and get what they needed because we would make sure it was taken care of.  They each got a dress, a pair of shoes, some matching accessories, a bra, and a makeover.  Myself and a fellow cosmetic consultant made a promise that we would be there, on the day of graduation, to do their hair and makeup.  These three girls and the three gentlemen from earlier this week will remember this.  They'll never forget that someone cared enough to make their graduation special.  My hope is that it will inspire them to continue to do well in life.  I hope that they are able to see that there is a light in the tunnel, if they only choose to follow it.  I hope that teacher, who is SO special, is rewarded three fold for everything she is doing, has ever done and will ever do for her students.

So, what about the rest?  What do we do for those who are still out there?  How many more will never attend their high school graduation because they had nothing to wear?  Why isn't anyone trying?  How do we fix it?  I'm thinking about my closet right now and how many items in it still have tags on it or haven't been worn more than once.  How many things I've bought and never really used.  How many extra bills I've taken on to satisfy my wants (things like cable and internet) versus my needs.  I turned my nose up just last week at a reasonably priced apartment in Asheville because "it was an ugly floor plan "  I'm sure it's a million times better than a homeless shelter.  I'm sure those ticketed clothes would be so much more appreciated by someone who's been "shopping" in the lost and found box at school.  But it's not enough to hurt over it.  How do we fix it???  I don't know.  Maybe one of you will...

"Everyone must leave something behind when he dies.  Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die.  It doesn't matter what you do so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away." -Ray Bradbury

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Making Bail

"No matter who they are, at some point, they've all had diarrhea."  -My Mother, Darlene

My mother is a very grounded person.  She likes to make snide remarks like the one above to remind people who they are.  In stressful or nerve racking situations, she's known for saying things like "they put their pants on the same way you do."  As funny as my mom can be, she's also a giver.  I admire her desire to give back...I think we both have a burning desire to change the world -- that and my ultra good looks (note the sarcasm) are two things I got from my momma.  But really, we do look EXACTLY alike.  We can't go anywhere together without someone reminding us!

Mom, in one of her many charity endeavors, has decided to be "locked up."  She's going "behind bars" to help in the fight against Muscular Dystrophy. She's raising a "bail" of $3200.  Now, remember that burning desire to change the world?  Well, this is where mine comes in.  Mom always sets reasonable, attainable goals.  However, I know that I have some awesome readers out there who are dying to give back to help those in need.  I know that you all would love to support my mom in her efforts to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy association.  I'm challenging mom's goal.  I think she low-balled herself.  I think that my mother can raise $5000 in the next month for the MDA.  And I believe that you guys can make it happen.

She doesn't know that I'm posting this.  She hasn't asked for my help.  I have a feeling I'll be getting a phone call around noon tomorrow when she realizes that this post is live telling me to take it down because she'll be embarrassed if she doesn't meet her goal.  I'm not going to do that.  I believe in you all and I believe in her.  She can do it.  You can help.

Here's the link to donate securely to her cause through the MDA: CLICK HERE!!!

Remember every penny counts!  Also, it's a tax write-off. (;  Thank you all so much for your support!
"Every breakout leads to another breakthrough!" -MDA Lockup Fundraiser Slogan