This week, I had a 15 minute conversation with someone who relentlessly told me how beautiful I was "now that I've lost so much weight." She then proceeded to ask me to give her daughter guidance on how to lose weight. Her daughter is not yet a teenager. I was disgusted.
I appreciate people pointing out my hard work to live a healthier lifestyle. Since January, I have gone from a size 16 to a size 8 and I think that is something to celebrate. I am making better decisions with my foods and living a more active lifestyle and I feel great. But my beauty is not hinged on my waistline. At least, it shouldn't be.
There are so many girls out there fighting battles within themselves because they don't feel beautiful. You may have acne or too many freckles. You may be overweight or underweight. Your boobs may be too small or too big. Your teeth may be crooked. Your feet, or ears, or pinky finger may not be proportionate to the rest of your body. WHY DOES IT MATTER SO MUCH?! Why isn't intelligence beautiful? Why isn't passion beautiful? Why isn't a sense of humor beautiful? Why aren't we beautiful because of the things that make us wonderful? Why are the following words ever used to describe a woman: fat, ugly, worthless?
Why are beauty, happiness, self-worth, and acceptance all the same thing in our society?
I am frustrated with this topic. I don't even know where to begin ranting about all of the horrible things associated with the internal battle women face of feeling beautiful, worthy, and accepted. But Savannah Brown did a pretty great job summing up my thoughts in this spoken word poem -- so just watch it.
"Courage is to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart." -Dr. Brene Brown