Sunday, October 6, 2013

Busy Women

"What would happen if we all believed, just for a minute, that we are beautiful?"  -Dr. Birma Gainor

I used to do one good thing for myself a week.  Whether it be taking a long bath, having my hair done, or treating myself to ice cream, I had one thing that I did by myself and for myself a week.  Now my days are filled with working, taking care of the dogs, paying bills, running errands, cooking dinner (or more recently, picking up dinner), etc...the list goes on and on.  I don't spend much time alone.  I almost always have Jordan or one/both of the dogs with me.  I'm almost always doing something that I HAVE to do versus something that I WANT to do.  You may have noticed that I haven't been blogging much lately.  It's because I'm just so darn busy!

It's hard to not be busy.

Yep, I said it.  Almost every woman on the planet knows what I'm talking about.  Women have to be busy.  We have to be doing things for other people.  We have to take care of all of the work that surrounds us.  And if we find ourselves not busy, we're confused.  We find new things to take on because we don't understand relaxation and we most certainly cannot comprehend the idea of "self-pampering."  Then someone does it for us.  They treat us to a night out or a massage and, all of the sudden, we realize why our lives are so hard -- we don't take time for ourselves.  But as soon as you get 50 minutes into that 60 minute massage, you realize that your to-do list didn't stop growing and you decide that you do not have time for yourself.

You don't have time for yourself.

Wow.  We really don't.  I had this realization this week.  I make time for Jordan and often complain about how little time I have with her, but I don't even make time for me!  I make time for the dogs and for the errands and for work and for other commitments, but I don't have time to give myself what I want or need.  I had my hair done this week.  I was so excited to go have my hair colored because it's been a while and the roots HAD to go.  I was making a pretty drastic change (like I do every fall) so I knew it would take a while.  After being in the chair for 2 hours, I got antsy.  I had a lot to do that day and it wasn't getting done in that salon chair.  I finally realized that it had been so long since I did something nice for myself that I had forgotten how to allow myself that time.  In the end, for me at least, it all came down to self worth.

Am I beautiful?  Am I worthy?  Should I give myself this time?  If I'm going to take time out of my day for me, shouldn't it be spent exercising or reading or doing something that will benefit me?  Sister, giving yourself time does benefit you!  After I relaxed, the time I spent in that chair gave me the energy to finish my to do list that day.  I didn't feel drained and worn out.  I didn't feel like I couldn't fall asleep because I had to much to get done.  I felt...good.

Now, I know the quote at the top of this page has nothing to do with what I'm talking about right now.  But let's change that word...beautiful.  Let's make it worthy?  Available?  What if we believed that we are deserving?  I think our lives would change drastically if we thought we deserved to be treated well.  Women are too hard on themselves.  Make some time to take it easy.

Remember when your mom used to tuck you in to bed at night?  Remember how good it felt to know you were loved and cared for?  Don't lose that feeling.  Don't ever forget to love and care for yourself.

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