Tuesday, October 7, 2014

New Doors

"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." -Amelia Earhart

There's something to be said about a door.  It's kind of beautiful to think that there's a single unit that separates the known from the unknown.  Until you gain the courage to walk through it, you are oblivious to what's on the other side.  Door's hold in secrets and adventures.  They block out dangers and strangers.  They separate the all-knowing from the clueless.

There's also a sort of change in adventure associated with doors.  We've all heard the adage "when one door closes, another door opens."  I'm not sure why we associate new adventures with opening new doors, but we do.  However, I'm finding that sometimes you have to sit and stare at the door for a little while before you're ready to open it.  When one adventure ends, one door closes, one opportunity seems to finished, the next door isn't always ready to be opened.  We might have to go find the key.  We may have to knock and wait for someone to answer.  We may knock and find that no one his home right now and we'll have to wait for the right person to come along and let us in.  We may have to try a couple different doors until we find the right one because they all look a little too similar.  It's not always as cut and dry as walking out of one door and into another.

Despite all of the struggles that doors provide, I still see them as gateways to adventure.  I see them as an opportunity to try something new.  They feel empowering - I am given the power to make a decision each time I approach a new door: do I walk through or not?  And every time I do walk through, I'm filled with wonder by the new sights that are on the other side.  The new people and places and surroundings.  Doors are beautiful.  Doors are adventurous.

"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure.  There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." -Jawaharlal Nehru

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