Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Becoming Great

"My life didn't please me.  So, I created my life."  -Coco Chanel

In case the world didn't already know, I'm the biggest Chanel fan there is.  I don't think there's anyone who loves Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel more than I do.  Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with several designers, including Michael Kors, Kate Spade, and Henri Bendel, to name a few favorites...but no one has ever, or will ever, outdo Chanel.  From shoes and clothing to handbags, accessories and makeup - she nailed it all.  She made the "little black dress" a classic.  Her simple, sophisticated style screamed her motto "luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury."  Her most famous perfume, Chanel No. 5, has won 17 awards and remains a top-seller today.  Chanel is the epitome of a fashion icon.  She was a world renowned genius of the beauty industry.  And I love everything that ever is, was, and will be labeled "Chanel."

Chanel came from nothing.  Not many people know it, but Chanel was an orphan.  After her mother's death, she was put into an orphanage by her father who worked as a peddler.  In the orphanage, she was raised by nuns who taught her how to sew.  Around the age of 20, she opened her first shop (which was funded by her boyfriend) in Paris selling hats.  She begun designing clothing as an extension of her hat business.  She was complimented on clothing that she wore in the store that she had made herself.  She would offer to make the same clothing for her customers, which spurred her clothing line.  In the 1920's, while Alice Paul was concerned with women's equality and suffrage, Coco Chanel was taking her business to new heights, launching her first fragrance, Chanel No. 5.  It was the first perfume to feature the designer's name. During the 1920's, she also introduced the infamous "Chanel suit" and the "little black dress."  Back then, black was associated with mourning.  Chanel showed the world that black could be chic.  Her career only grew and developed as the years went on: she remained on the cutting edge of fashion for the duration of her life.  Chanel died in 1971 and about 10 years later the company was taken over by Karl Lagerfeld who carried on the Chanel legacy.  While still known for her cosmetics, fragrances, clothing, and accessories -- Chanel's life (particularly her witty quotes) has also been featured in many popular literary pieces and movies.

Now I'm sure most of you aren't nearly as interested as I am in the life of Coco Chanel and this blog obviously isn't a fashion blog.  However, I wanted to talk about someone memorable, who had come from nothing...because I want to talk about dreams.  I want to talk about creating the life you want to live.  You see, my interest in the beauty industry isn't my only fascination with Chanel.  She is simply one of the most incredible women there ever was.  Chanel built herself up.  "From rags to riches" doesn't even come close to describing her.  When I think about how she started in an orphanage and created a multi-billion dollar company that has flourished for over 90 years, I can't help but me amazed.  From being unwanted to becoming one of the most sought after women of her time - that IS Coco Chanel.

Chanel's story is a pretty extreme example of the point I'm trying to make.  If you haven't caught on yet, here it is: who you are, the things that define you, the mark you make on this world, all of those things are up to you.  You hold the power to steer yourself in any direction you choose.  The things people remember you for are all up to you.  We won't all become Chanel.  However, we can all be known as good, kind people that give more than they take and offer to help however they can.  We can choose to do something great - big or small!  We can choose to advocate for our friends and our communities when issues arise.  We have the power to dream and love and create...all we have to do is try.  If we share who we are with those around us, - if we find common goals with the people we interact with - who knows what we could accomplish.  Who knows where our lives will take us.  The point is, we can choose it.  Being great isn't about luck.  Greatness is about seeing who you want to be and doing everything you can to be that person.  Some of us will become those great people on small scales and some, like Chanel, on much larger scales.

"You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.  You're on your own and you know what you know.  And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go."  -Dr. Seuss


  1. Coco Chanel died when I was six years old--that's the first time I remember hearing about her. They talked about her on the news. Even at six, I knew she had something worth emulating. And now, forty years later, I am still inspired by her moxie! And grateful that she made a way for women to wear clothes that are comfortable and dignified. By the way, I had never made the connection before between Chanel and Alice Paul--great observation! They were contemporaries, weren't they? I would assume they had opinions of each other. I'm so grateful for both of them.

    1. Alice Paul is in my list of top 5 favorite women in History. She's incredible! Have you seen the movie Iron Jawed Angels? It's my favorite movie!
