Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"You're Only as Sick as Your Secrets"

Photo from Postsecret.
This photo struck a chord in me.  "Free your secrets and become who you are."  Do my secrets really prohibit me from becoming myself?  The more I think about it, the more I agree with the statement. When you're holding something deep within yourself, you aren't really you.  What secrets are you hiding?  I'm sure many of them are full of hurt and pain.  Sorrow, grief, and loss.  Mourning.  What have you been through that you're too scared to say out loud.  And why can't you let go of it?  That, to me, is the biggest sign that secrets prohibit us from being ourselves: we can't let go of them.  If we could, they wouldn't be secrets.  The fact that we feel the need to hold on to these things -- to rehash and relive these instances -- this shows me that they stick with us for a reason and that reason may be prohibiting us from living our lives to the fullest.

"If we knew each other's secrets, what comfort we should find."  - John Churton Collins

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