Wednesday, October 10, 2012


"I laughed so hard and cried so hard and healed."  -Gianna Jessen

Parts of us are invested in to various areas of our lives that provide healing without us realizing it. When we laugh with a girlfriend, or cry on our mom's laps we open ourselves up to be vulnerable.  That vulnerability allows us to trust someone...that is healing.

I got an email this morning that said, "I love you.  I miss you.  Take care of you."  This person reads my blog and she's seen me in pain.  She's seen me at my best and worst.  She also knows that sometimes I get so busy with life that I forget to heal when things hurt me.  I forget to give myself time to show myself that I'm important.  I put what I want and need on the back burner when it comes to other things.  You do it too!  Perfect example: Monday was my day off from work.  I got a call around 3 asking if I could come close the store because one of my co-workers had gotten sick.  I was exhausted!  I didn't want to go to work.  I could have said no.  They would have managed without me.  But I said yes because that's what I "should do."  Sometimes we have to put aside what we "should do" to give ourselves what we need.  That two letter word can be so hard to say, "no."  Just try it.  "No, I have to take care of me today."

There's a fine line between taking care of yourself and spoiling yourself.  While it's alright to indulge sometimes, if it happens too often it becomes an unhealthy standard.  Learn how to love yourself and give yourself what you need without putting your responsibilities off on other people.

This year, I had to slowly rebuild myself from the ground up.  Living alone with Jordan gave me the space to heal.  It's taught me independence and how to rely on myself.  But that doesn't mean I've been alone.  If anything, I've seen just how many people I have supporting me.  More than any of that, this year has taught me to love myself.  I've never been confident in saying that before, and it's scary to admit I didn't feel that way, but it's true.  This year has been a year of ups and downs.  Realizing that this year only has two and a half months left, is mind blowing to me.  I've come so far from where I was.  I've also got so many steps ahead of me.

I want to challenge you to an early New Year's resolution.  Decide with me, to get ahead of the game and step out of your depression now...don't wait until January.  Take it slow, do the best you can.  Laugh, cry, love, hurt, and heal.  And know that there's a whole world full of support waiting with open arms to see you through.

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