Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 12: Welcome Home

Jonathan Allen, 20 Years Old, Opera Singer

I'm watching America's Got Talent this morning.  Actually, I have America's Got Talent on the TV while I pay bills, catch up on some work, and read up on Lauder's product improvements.  I wasn't paying much attention to the show until a 20 year old opera singer named Jonathan Allen stepped on the stage.  I looked up from my computer and everything around me stopped.  I wasn't worried about anything I had going on when I heard Jonathan's story.  Howie Mandel asked Jonathan if he had his family's support in his pursuit of opera and his next words hit too close to home: "My parents don't support me.  They kicked me out on my 18th birthday because I told them I loved Opera and I told them that I'm gay."

Jonathan Allen, I've been there.  I know where you are right now.  I know how hard it is to build yourself from a hurt that deep.  I know how hard it is just to graduate high school.  I remember the days of food stamps, always running on empty, and taking every bit of help you're offered.  Going to school from 9-4, sleeping from 5-10, working from 11-7, and getting ready for the day all over again.  I know what it feels like to lose every dream you ever had because survival is all you can focus on.  I get it.  And I'm here to say congratulations.  You've followed your dreams.  You've beat the odds.  And you've given hope to every kid that has ever, will ever, and is now going through what you've been through.  At 20 years of age, that's incredible.

My friends and I here in Asheville, NC would like to say thank you for not giving up on your dreams and for being who you are regardless of what the world around you says.  From us here in the blog world, we say congratulations on how far you've come.  And from everyone who's been where you've been, good luck -- We're on your side!

"We love you.  We accept you.  And we're so proud that you came here.  This is your new family.  Welcome home." -Howie Mandel


  1. Absolutely!!! Bravo!!!

    Saw this on you tube. He is efffing talanted and so honest with the world. I admire him, and you're right he did and is doing a wonderful thing for all of us who are looked at as 'other' regardless of age.

  2. Leah, I read this when you first posted it, but I couldn't respond b/c I've been mostly offline for a bit. Of course I am inspired by this young man's story, but I also love how you clearly you put into words the details of his struggle. You said "I know how hard it is to build yourself from a hurt that deep. I know how hard it is just to graduate high school. I remember the days of food stamps, always running on empty, and taking every bit of help you're offered." I suspect that someday these blog posts of yours may become the skeleton for your published book of memoirs.
