Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 8: Dreams Come True

"Do all you can to make your dreams come true." -Joel Osteen

I can't believe we're halfway through June already!  This month has flown by...I also can't believe that I've made it this far with my 30 day commitment considering how busy and sick I've been!  The last few posts have been about sickness and some rough days, but today I have something totally different to share - a HAPPY post!  It's about time for one, right?

It's no secret that I love my job!  I talk about it all the time.  I want to work for Estee Lauder for many many many years to come...I'm working diligently to progress within the company.  On Wednesday, my hard work really seemed to pay off.  I had the opportunity to meet some of the "higher ups" in the company.  We had a corporate visit where several of the "big kids" in the business were to attend, one of them being a woman that I have wanted to meet since I started with Estee Lauder.  Her name is Lauren Terry and she is pretty much the most important person in my industry.  She has the final say in everything that concerns cosmetics.  And not now, not 5 years from now, but eventually...I want to be her.  It was an amazing opportunity just to be standing in the same room as her.  It was even more amazing that she spoke to me -- not just a hello -- but a 3 1/2 minute conversation that consisted of 7 questions and a handshake.  I know, most of you are rolling your eyes by now.  But for me, meeting Lauren Terry was just as exciting as meeting my favorite celebrity!

I also had the opportunity to meet some faces that I've never heard of before.  Laurie Thompson and Sue Burke, both of which have significant titles in my line of work.  It was such an amazing experience to hear these women tell me how impressed they are with the things they've heard about me.  I felt like I was no longer a number in the company, but rather someone that they knew they would see more of!  My bosses boss, Meredith, told Sue and Laurie that I had amazing talent and was someone that the company should capital on and allow to shine.  Those words, coming from someone who has no reason to even know my name, made every hard day worth it!

Recognition is something that I think we all need from time to time and I definitely got my fair share of it.  It pumped me up again.  It recharged my battery.  It gave me a little extra drive to push further and succeed more!  I have always been someone that jumps at opportunity and gives 200% to everything she does and this visit made me realize that other people have noticed and they're taking note of it.

I am so grateful for this experience and so thankful to be working for such an amazing company.  As much as I've given to Estee Lauder, they've really give so much more to me!  Looking back on my journey, I realize that the point in my life where I really felt like I had begun to live again was when I started my job at Estee Lauder.  I had something to strive for - goals to reach.  Lauder has given me excitement and enthusiasm - two things that I went years without.  I'm proud to work with such incredible women, each striving towards an incredible goal and unshakable belief that Mrs. Estee Lauder herself set before us: that every woman can be beautiful.

"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1 comment:

  1. Loving what you do is one of the greatest gifts you can have in life. I'm happy for you! You'll do great.
