Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 4: It Could Be Worse

I'm sorry that this is going up a bit late.  I hope after reading this post that you will understand, however, if it really distresses you that I have failed to post my 4th post by midnight, feel free to write distasteful comments below.  Moving on...

I got the results from all of my various tests and scans that were performed on Wednesday and received possibly the best bad news I could get: I have a disfigured kidney.  I was born with it.  It's elongated on one side and about twice as large as it should be.  I won't go into too much detail, but as far as we were concerned, we knew why I was having pain and what we could do about it.  I thought things were going to be okay and that I would be feeling better by next week...until today.  Apparently, my body is enjoying torturing my pain tolerance, stress level, and uninsured wallet.  I woke up feeling okay.  A little soreness, but nothing too terrible.  I walked Milo (and by walked, I mean let him pee and run back inside because he's too prissy to go out in the rain).  I checked my email.  I laid back down for a few minutes before getting ready for work.  I got back up and out of nowhere, I was experiencing the most horrible, excruciating pain of my life.  I don't have children, but I'm pretty sure this one trumps child birth.  I don't cry, ever.  If you don't believe me, call my wife or mom.  They'll both tell you I'm not a crier.  I was crying, and heaving, and laid out on the floor.  I've never called in sick to work a day in my life.  I've been working since I was 16 years old and haven't missed a day yet...until today.

I didn't go to the doctor, but I did call her.  I also called my mom and wife.  Jordan came home from work to take care of me.  Mom called and checked up on me as often as she thought necessary.  I took some pain pills and a sleep aid and laid on the couch with a heating pad AND an ice pack.  Right now, I'm feeling okay.  I dread that pain creeping up on me again...I'm probably more scared than anything...but for now, I'm okay.  However, I'm back to square one with what this could possibly be.

If you are a doctor, or you know a doctor, that happens to specialize in severe abdominal pain paired with a plethora of other symptoms, please, feel free to contact me.  If you have any words of wisdom, please share them.  Or if you're just a good person and want to add me to your daily thoughts, I would seriously appreciate it.  I know I will get through this and eventually have more answers and less pain.  But right now, I'm just taking it one step at a time and attempting to remain positive.  Thank you all so much for your continued support.  It really means a lot to me.

On a final note, today was Jordan's birthday!!  She turned 23 and while we spent the morning to late afternoon not enjoying her birthday, we did have a lovely evening making just a few accommodations to our original birthday plans.  It wasn't exactly the birthday she expected, but I think (overall) she had a pretty nice birthday!  We were hoping to have breakfast at a little crepe place in Bryson City in the morning and go to the hot springs on Sunday (we don't do birthdays, we do birthday weekends!)...we'll see how things go.  We're just playing it by ear for now.

Anyway, to recap this adventure, we are now two weeks into pain.  I've seen two PA's, one doctor, and a radiologist.  We thought we had a diagnosis, but are a little unsure now with the new added symptoms as to whether or not that diagnosis was accurate.  We aren't sure if the conditions are connected or not.  The original pain and this mornings pain are different types of pain in different (but close in proximity) areas of the body.  I have no plan of action of what to do next, but I am monitoring pain and symptoms closely.

So, what did I learn today?  That it could always be worse.


  1. Oh Leah. I hate this for you. I don't know any doctors off hand, but if I think of some you know I'll connect you. Until then, please know that I'm thinking of you and believing the pain will subside. Please keep us posted!

    Standing by-

  2. Stop that! I can hear you kicking yourself for your supposed failures. BS!! You aim high, you work your ass off to achieve your goals, you don't quit and 98% of the time that's the way to be, BUT...not now.

    Two percent of the time, less is more. No one who reads your blog is gonna be pissed because your late with a post or even if you have to shelve it for a bit. YOU ARE NOT DISAPPOINTING US.

    Yes I'm sure your employer misses you at work, on the other hand barfing on customers and keeling over on the floor is probably not that good for business. THEY'LL GET BY. (And seeing how much extra work there is when your not there isn't a bad thing.)

    JORDAN LOVES YOU. She is no more disappointed in you for being in severe pain on her birthday than you would be in her if the circumstances were reversed. I mean seriously hon.

    There is a time to be hard on yourself and a time to cut yourself some slack. This is slack time. It's a damn hard thing to do, but you need to put your energy and focus into what is most important right now and that is healing.

    I'm not saying don't try, or don't struggle, I'm saying recognize that what is an accomplishment worthy of praise on a day when you're sick, hurting, exhausted and scared is a bit different from when your 110%.

    Ass chewing over.

    Now, have you included any vitamins, herbal remedies, energy drinks, juice cleanse, diet meds etc. stuff in the information you gave the doctor? Not just recent stuff but things you may have used sometime in the last year? Maybe ordered online? It's something to think about

    Also dietary changes. New and maybe exotic veg or spices? Cleaners? Some other kind of chemicals? I know it seems out there but these kinds of things could be exacerbating the other problem.

    Lots of hugs hon. If you or Jordan think of anything I can do to help (other than butt kicking, 'cause you know, mission accomplished on that front), let me know.

