Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 14: Human Rights Victories

Jordan and I have been turning our phones off at night just to spend time together without distractions and it has been an amazing thing for us!  We are really enjoying being able to spend time with one another without wondering what's going on in our social media and personal messaging.  If you've never tried this, I highly suggest it.

Now, I'm sure you're all expecting me to write about the supreme court victories, right?  Of course I am!

Jordan and I watched C-SPAN all morning waiting for the results...and it was worth the wait!

The Windsor and Perry cases have come to a close and we are now two steps closer to national equality.  DOMA was found unconstitutional and Prop 8 was found to have no legal standing.  So, what does that mean for those of us who do not live in a state where gay marriage is legal?   A LOT.  With DOMA being repealed, they're opening up the senate floor to reintroduce the Respect for Marriage Act.  With this one legal action, legally married same-sex couples, regardless of what state they reside in, would be able to receive the 1,000+ federal benefits currently offered to heterosexual couples.  Under federal law, we would be eligible for all rights and benefits, regardless of our residency.  So, if you and your partner lived in North Carolina and took a trip to 1 of the 13 states that offer same-sex marriages legally, went to the courthouse and signed those would receive federal benefits even though you still live in North Carolina.  Federally, your marriage would be recognized.  We still have a long way to go and I have a feeling it will be a while before southern states legalize same-sex marriage, but we are on a great road and Jordan and I are very excited about it!

If you would like more information on the supreme court cases, a great resource is:  If you want the more simple, less wordy version...HRC's tumblr is probably a better resource for you: click here.

Today, while we know we have a long way to go, we also have a lot to celebrate.  Hold your head high and keep your hearts open...because we've only just begun to see changes in this country!  Those who have struggled before us, those who are struggling now, and all of the generations to come, will fight for equality no matter how long the road is.  We are passionate and we are determined.  And someday, we will be married!!

"We can now tell our children that they are just as special as every child with married parents, because we are all equal." -Perry's Victory Statement

P.S. Let's not forget to applaud Wendy Davis and her 13 hour filibuster.  Thank you, Wendy -- Texas loves you! #standwithwendy


  1. If you believe in equality of all faiths, races, sexes, and loves;
    If you believe that voting is a right and should be easier to do, not harder;
    If you believe that rigging elections by gerrymandering districts because you can't win on your positions is unfair and immoral;
    If you believe that women have the right to govern their bodies and government doesn't;
    If you believe that everyone has a right to follow their faith but not to force other's to;
    If you believe that the poor, ill, disabled, elderly, in short people of all kinds are in fact your resposibility too;
    If you believe that someone who works a 40 hour week or more shouldn't be so poorly paid that they have to rely on foodstamps to eat;
    If you believe that healthcare shouldn't bankrupt you;
    If you believe that children are our future and their education is all important;
    If you believe that banks shouldn't get better interest rates than kids in college
    Let your voice be heard!!
    Got money for fancy Starbuck's coffee? Skip it 2 days and contribute to your local and national elections.
    Got no money but have time? Volunteer with the causes you believe in.
    Got damn little of money or time? Sign online petitions, follow organizations and people on twitter and retweet the stuff you think is important.

    And Vote Vote Vote!!!!! Hassle your friends and relatives to vote too.

    If you live in a state that's trying to screw you or people you know out of the ability to vote, figure out what will be needed, organize yourselves and get it done. Those sob's start getting vans and busses full of people showing up to get their id's it will make an impact so will pictures of hundreds of people waiting in line for hours to vote.

    Worried about losing income or your job in the process? Do you honestly think you'll have either if you don't?

    Participate. Get pissed and do the right thing the right way.

  2. I was so pleased, Leah. On July 4th, my family was sitting out in the yard in our lawn chairs, enjoying our barbecue, and taking turns saying things we are grateful for about living in the US. People gave the answers you might expect: our diversity as a people, our freedom of religion, our freedom to travel, etc, and then my 80-year-old Dad--who used to be virulently anti-gay--finished his corn on the cob and said, "I'm glad we live in a country where we can marry whoever we want." I about fell out of my lawn chair!! It got really quiet around the table. I was so proud of him; I'm not sure when he changed his mind about gay rights, but he has mentioned his evolution in thinking over the past couple of months, and I'm so proud of him! Go Dad!
