Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 13: Reunited (Almost)


I haven't talked about this on my blog yet because if I share it with you guys, then I'll get questions about updates...and if I update you too much, I'll keep count...and if I keep count, I'll get WAY TOO EXCITED!!!  But the total truth is, I'm completely stoked.  I'm not sure why, because even after those two days it will be a while before I get what I'm really looking forward to, but in two days, we get a tiny step closer.

I guess you're wondering what I'm excited about, right?  "Mom" is coming home from Bahrain in TWO DAYS!!!!!!!  WHAT?!  Yes, she's returning to the states!  I haven't seen her since Christmas and a lot has changed since then.  We're both living in new places, with new additions to both of our families.  A few months ago, I wasn't sure if she'd ever move back to the states so it's pretty surreal that it's actually happening!  She's acquired a fiance during her stay in Bahrain.  She's bringing home a soldier and from what I hear he's a pretty amazing guy.

Even though she'll be back in the states in two days, I'm not sure how long it will be before I actually get to see her.  She'll be living about 1100 miles north from us, so we have a bit of a journey before an actual visit occurs, but it will be nice to be able to pick up the phone and call or text her whenever I want!

Safe travels, mom!  Be careful -- I love you!


  1. That's wonderful hon! Great news! *hug*

  2. So happy for you!! Looking forward to the updates...
